E Singapore Math Program and Components

Everything you need for teaching and learning Singapore Math

E Singapore Math provides students with access to high quality instruction and a state-of-the art technology platform that enable them to learn at their own pace and achieve well beyond their grade level. E Singapore Math curriculum includes over 1,000 lessons and over 30,000 exercises and assessments. These resources are embedded into this modern instructional technology that helps motivate young students achieve their true potential.

About Us

Top curriculum for schools and homeschoolers

The E Singapore Math online program is an effective online classroom and homeschooling curriculum. The program can be effectively used in all settings for:

  • classwork and in-classroom teaching and learning
  • homeschooling
  • independent practice and homework
  • enrichment
  • remediation
  • catch-up or review

Benefits for students

E Singapore Math benefits students with the option to study in the setting that is most conducive for them. Whether it’s at home, in the library, on the road or at the park, all that’s needed is a laptop or tablet with a reliable internet connection. The program promotes deep learning and enriches student understanding of mathematical concepts both within and without the classroom.

Benefits for educators

E Singapore Math benefits educators by helping them differentiate instruction. E Singapore Math accommodates more learning styles than the traditional textbooks. With E Singapore Math, teachers can customize student learning by easily adapting lessons to a student's individual learning style for on-target, enrichment or remedial work.

Another major benefit for educators is that the resource equips teachers to better understand Singapore Math pedagogy and enables them to properly teach math concepts, assess students’ knowledge, and provide additional support outside the classroom.

Learning management and reporting

E Singapore Math is managed on a state-of-the art technology platform that allows educators to assign all lessons, exercises, and assessments as homework or independent practice. All exercises and tests are auto-graded and detailed analysis of the results are given to students and teachers.

Program components

  • Placement tests

    A placement test measures a student’s cumulative knowledge acquired in their prior grade level, uncover gaps, and establish learning goals.

  • Pre-tests

    A pre-test is given to assess the student’s level of readiness prior to teaching each new topic and unit. Gaps in student’s knowledge can be quickly filled with the lessons from the prior unit and grade.

  • Instructional videos

    These fun, engaging and kid-friendly videos provide high quality Singapore Math instruction for each topic, unit and grade. They follow the famous Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract learning progression that’s proven to help young students develop conceptual understanding of each topic and unit in every grade level. You can be assured that high-quality instruction is consistent in each grade.

    Teachers can use these videos to explain Singapore Math concepts confidently. Teachers can pause at appropriate points to draw attention to key ideas, promote class discussions and reinforce understanding. Educators can also use these videos to prepare for their lessons instead of using Teacher Guides.

  • Assisted practice exercises

    The assisted practice exercises provide more visuals and guidance for students to acquire new concepts. It especially helps students who require extra support to acquire new skills. Teachers can use assist exercises to differentiate their instruction and to provide support to students who are still having difficulty understanding.

  • Games

    Games motivate students to practice in a fun environment. They provide a lot of additional practice to reinforce development of procedural fluency. Also, games provide visuals and guidance to support students who are still struggling to master a particular skill.

  • Benchmark practice exercises

    The benchmark practice exercises enable on-level students to practice or reinforce concepts that they have already learned and develop procedural fluency. Students can review their answers to address any questions or correct misunderstandings.

  • Post-tests

    The post-tests are used to measure whether students mastered a particular topic and unit. The post-assessments reveal students’ depth of knowledge acquired after learning a particular unit as well as abilities to transfer that knowledge to solving other problems. The detailed results will help teachers quickly identify whether students can proceed to learning the next topic in sequence and, if necessary, provide for the review of a prior topic.

  • Intervention tests

    The intervention tests allow teachers to diagnose whether students need simultaneous remediation of a number of skills. These assessments help teachers diagnose if students require only minimal or intense intervention. The detailed results will help teachers determine and assign appropriate lessons to fill in gaps in student knowledge.

  • Grade Tests

    The grade tests reveal students’ understanding of concepts learned throughout the grade level as well as abilities to apply that knowledge to solving non-routine and open-ended problems. Teachers will get a detailed analysis of students’ achievements and can then take action to provide students with appropriate remediation or enrichment.