- Understanding The Place Value System
This unit is primarily a review of the place-value concepts learned in earlier levels and it covers multi-digit numbers. Students will extend their knowledge of the place-value concept to hundred billions or numbers up to 12 digits in standard and expanded form.
- Multiplying And Dividing Whole Numbers
This unit covers multiplying by tens, hundreds, and thousands; multiplying whole numbers, powers of 10, dividing whole numbers, word problems involving multiplication and division. Students will learn how to mentally multiply and divide whole numbers of up to four digits by tens, hundreds or thousands.
- Numerical Expressions And Patterns
This unit covers interpreting numerical expressions and using letters as numbers.
- Decimals
This unit covers understanding of tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and comparing and rounding decimals. Students will be able to related each digit in a decimal to its place value, compare and order decimals, write decimals as fractions, and round a decimal to one or two decimal places.
- Adding And Subtracting Decimals
This unit covers adding and subtracting decimals and solving word problems involving decimals.
- Multiplying And Dividing Decimals
This unit covers multiplying, dividing and estimating decimals as well as solving word problems involving multiplication and division of decimals.
- Adding And Subtracting Fractions And Mixed Numbers
This unit covers adding and subtracting unlike fractions, understanding of fraction as division, adding and subtracting mixed numbers, solving word problems involving fractions and mixed numbers.
- Multiplying And Dividing Fractions
This unit covers multiplying proper and improper fractions, multiplying mixed numbers and whole numbers, multiplying fractions to find area, dividing a fraction by a whole number, dividing a whole number by a unit fraction, and solving word problems with multiplying and dividing fractions.
- Converting Measurement Units
This unit covers metric and customary length, mass, weight, volume, time, and conversion of metric units.
- Volume
This unit covers understanding and measuring volume, volume of a rectangular prism, volume of a liquid, and solving word problems involving volume.
- Two-Dimensional Figures
This unit covers classification of triangles and four-sided figures. Students will extend their knowledge of area and composite figures to find area and classify triangles and four-sided figures.
- Coordinate Plane And Graphs
This unit covers displaying data using a line plot, the coordinate system, and analyzing patterns and relationships.
- Ratio
This unit covers understanding the concept of ratio; finding ratio; comparing two or three quantities using ratio; expressing a ratio of two or three quantities in simplest form; using a comparison model to represent a ratio of two quantities; solving word problems involving ratios of two or three quantities.
- Percentage
This unit covers reading and interpreting a percentage of a whole; expressing a fraction as a percentage; expressing decimals as a percentage; expressing percentage as a fraction; solving word problems involving percentage tax, discount and interest.