Singapore Math Grade 4

Our curriculum is spiral

Please note that our virtual Singapore Math Grade 4 curriculum is spiral and it provides for the review of the important concepts that students learned in Grade 3. The introduction of new mathematical concepts is built upon topics covered earlier with increased level of difficulty. Our online Singapore Math K-5 curriculum is aligned with all standard Singapore Math textbook series and it includes all content that these series cover, from K grade through 5-th grade.

Our Singapore Math for 4th Grade may introduce some topics one grade level earlier or postpone coverage of some topics until Grade 5. In the few instances where 4th grade level units don’t exactly align between our curriculum and textbooks, you will still be able to easily locate the corresponding unit in our program by referring to the table of contents one grade below or above.


Correspondence to 4A and 4B

For your reference, the following topics in our curriculum correspond to Singapore Math practice Grade 4 in levels 4A and 4B:

Singapore Math 4A

Place value and multi-digit whole numbers; multi-digit arithmetic – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; mental computation and estimation; using the four operations with whole numbers; factors and multiples; fractions; fractions and mixed numbers; fractions of a set.

Singapore Math 4B

Decimals; metric length, mass, and volume; customary length, weight, and capacity; conversion of measurements; solving problems involving measurements; money; area and perimeter; angles and lines; angles and measurements; two-dimensional figures; generating and analyzing patterns.

Student prior knowledge

Prior to starting Singapore Math Grade 4, students should already know how to compare and order up to four-digit numbers; relate each of a four-digit numbers to its place value; interpret number patterns that increase or decrease by one ten, one hundred or one thousand; round up four-digit numbers to the nearest one ten, one hundred or one thousand. Students should know how to add and subtract four-digit numbers using the standard algorithm and recall their multiplication facts quickly. Students should also know how to use a part-whole and comparison bar models to interpret and solve two-step word problems. If students are unfamiliar with bar models, then they should fill in gaps from content in Grade 3.

4th Grade Singapore Math Scope and Sequence

  • Numbers To 10,000

    This unit provides for a review of place value of numbers to 10,000, and comparing numbers to 10,000. In this unit students will extend their knowledge of four-digit numbers to five-digit numbers.

  • Place Value And Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

    This unit covers numbers to 100,000, comparing numbers to 100,000, numbers to 10,000,000, place value of numbers to 10,000,000, and comparing numbers to 10,000,000. In this unit students will extend their knowledge of five-digit numbers learn numbers up to 10,000,000. This unit will help students understand or clarify the place value naming system. The position of the digit in relation to other digits determines its value. Each place that a digit occupies represents a value ten times higher the digit to its right.

  • Multi-Digit Arithmetic - Addition And Subtraction

    This unit covers adding multi-digit whole numbers and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers. In this unit students will extend their knowledge of the addition and subtraction algorithm to five-digit numbers.

  • Multi-Digit Arithmetic - Multiplication And Division

    This unit covers multiplying a 2 or 3-digit number by a 1-digit number, multiplying a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number, multiplying by a 2-digit number, dividing a 1 or 2-digit number by a 1-digit number, and dividing a 3 or 4-digit number by a 1-digit number. Students will review and extend their knowledge of the standard algorithm for multiplication and division.

  • Mental Computation And Estimation

    This unit covers rounding and estimating and using front-end estimation. In this unit students will use mental math strategies that leverage their number sense. Also, students will extend their knowledge of place value concept to mental math calculations and estimation.

  • Using The Four Operations With Whole Numbers

    This unit covers solving problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and solving multi-step word problems.

  • Factors And Multiples

    This unit covers factors and multiples. Students will learn about multiples, common multiples, factors, common factors, prime, and composite numbers.

  • Fractions

    This unit starts with a review of fractions and then extends student knowledge of fractions to solidify their understanding of equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, adding and, subtracting like fractions, and solving word problems involving fractions.

  • Fractions And Mixed Numbers

    This unit covers mixed numbers, improper fractions, renaming improper fractions and mixed numbers and displaying data using a line plot. Students will learn how to express numbers and derived answers from improper fractions into simplest form using mixed numbers.

  • Fraction Of A Set

    This unit covers use of models to show a fraction of a set, finding the fractional part of a set, multiplying a fraction by a whole number, and solving word problems involving fractions.

  • Decimals

    This unit covers decimal notation for fractions in tenths, decimal notation for fractions in hundredths, comparing decimals, and fractions and decimals. Students will learn that the decimal system can be extended to values less than 1. Decimals will be visually represented in a variety of ways.

  • Metric Length, Mass, And Volume

    This unit covers measuring length and volume. Students will solve computation problems that involve metric length, mass, and volume. These problems build students’ measurement skills and also help further develop students’ understanding of whole numbers and fractions.

  • Customary Length, Weight, And Capacity

    This unit covers measuring length, weight, and capacity. Students will solve computation problems that involve customary length, weight, and capacity. These problems extend student understanding of customary measurements and help students practice number sense and computational skills with whole numbers and fractions.

  • Conversion Of Measurements

    This unit covers metric length, customary length, mass, weight, volume, capacity, and time. Students will learn about computing with compound measurements in the metric and customary systems.

  • Money

    This unit covers adding and subtracting money and word problems involving money. Students will use the decimal notation for money to solve problems, including word problems to further develop their understanding of money, whole numbers and fractions.

  • Solving Problems Involving Measurements

    This unit covers solving one- and two-step problems involving metric measurement with the four operations and solving one- and two-step problems involving fractions and decimals.

  • Area And Perimeter

    This unit covers finding area and perimeter of a rectangle, square, and composite figures as well as finding areas and perimeters using formulas. Students will extend their knowledge of area and perimeter to more complex rectilinear figures. Students will learn how to find an unknown side of a rectangle given other known information.

  • Angles And Lines

    This unit covers understanding and identifying lines and angles, right angles, perpendicular and parallel lines, and horizontal and vertical lines.

  • Angles And Measurements

    This unit covers turns and right angles, understanding and measuring angles, adding and subtracting angles, and drawing angles. Students will learn about measuring angles in degrees, drawing angles with a given measurement, and adding and subtracting angle measures.

  • Two-Dimensional Figures

    This unit covers classification of figures and lines of symmetry. Students will build on their knowledge of shapes to classify quadrilaterals by the number of parallel sides and right angles. Students will learn to recognize symmetry and investigate lines of symmetry of quadrilaterals, equilateral and isosceles triangles.

  • Generate And Analyze Patterns

    This unit covers tessellations. Given incomplete figures and lines of symmetry, students will learn about completing patterns of the figures.